lundi, janvier 08, 2007

Fais des courses

There have absolutely not been enough posts about all the fabulous food we've been gorging enjoying here. As first post of the new year, I think it is high time to change that!

But before you can gorge feast, you have to shop! Though we have a great and massive supermarket just across the road from us, the best thing to do is to avoid it, in favour of all the little specialty stores! Exactly what France is so great at. You can, quite literally, smell the fromagerie before you can see it or its hundreds and hundreds of varieties of cheese. Then there are the patisseries, with concoctions that are absolute works of art. If they weren't so damn delicious, you would want to frame them! And the obliging (sometimes) aproned sales girl won't ask you which size cake you want out of the array, but for how many people it is, before she wraps it into an origami masterpiece, ensuring it will get home exactly as it left the display window. At the fruitiers, you have to try to remember the names of everything you want, since you don't help yourself here, and you even have to attempt, time and time again, the impossible ail (= garlic). Hundreds of hams and saucissons secs hang from the roofs over the burly red-cheeked charcuteurs at the charcuterie, while the similar-looking bloke behind the counter at the boucherie can mince just about anything! At the volaillerie, the chickens all have their heads and feet on (and aren't even gutted untill you select one!), and share the counter with rows of quails, guinea fowl, cocks, pheasants and pigeons! I try to avoid the chevalerie, who deals in horses- no saddles necessary.

As for what we'll do with all this stuff in the kitchen (or what the nice man in the kitchen of a nearby brasserie)- that will have to wait until next time! I'm off to open up some chocolates left over from Christmas. For some reason, I got hungry...

Jenny I could DIE from ardent admiration of such marvelous adventures! It sounds like paradise and now that I'm armed with memories of what we wandered past when I was there in October, my suspicions are confirmed - you are living the fabulous life.
Now I'm hungry too!
Mmmm... charcuterie! Saucissons!
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