mardi, septembre 19, 2006


A week's worth of late nights coupled with running in the 6 km La Parisienne on Sunday has given me a cold. Blah.

A better report will come when I stop feeling sorry for myself.

Poor Jen! sucks to be sick....

greetings from Nam though...we're well into our second week and it's so great! more to follow in a week on the SRF blog...
Get well soon!
That does sound like a tough week though, to give you a bit of credit.

Get well soon, sis.
getting worse? poor thing. aw, screw it, take a sickday in your last week!
I think Margie might be spamming your blog Jen, to promote her Nam posts. Don't stand for it!
Oh yeah, and I hope you feel better soon.
Don't stand for that damn Nam spam, Ma'am.
oi! what about green eggs and ham spam? better than Nam spam Ma'am?
You're lucky I don't use my ownership powers to delete the lot of you spammers!

Ham spam, lamb spam, Nam spam, wham bam!
spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam wonderful spaaaaammmm!

(should be sung wearing a viking helmet ala Monty Python!)
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