mercredi, mai 24, 2006

Vélo Volé

It was a short but beautiful relationship. I would have liked a little more time to get acquainted with the idea of being a proud bike owner, but unfortunately after less than 48 hours of ownership, my little set of wheels was stolen. I came back to find a broken lock next to a bare patch of ground where I had parked it just a few hours beforehand, and now all I have is the memory of the wind in my hair as angry drivers tooted my ineptitude on knowing which way to go around roundabouts. I don't even have a photo to remember it by.

I think it was karma coming to bite me on the bum however, as the provenance of the bike was rather on the dodgy side to start with. I think if I go back to the market where I bought my baby next weekend, I will probably find the same guy selling it again.

I would like to try again, but bike riding could get rather expensive if I have to get a new one every two days, so we'll see. Maybe I should start off by shopping for hard core bike locks. I thought mine was okay, but considering it only lasted a couple of hours inside the university about 20 metres from the guard's office in broad daylight, it clearly wasn't too difficult to get through.

Next time, I will try a lock more like this one:

Those market-dwelling bike-selling light-fingered French - what a shame!
How did your lecture go?
Maybe you need a bike a little more like this one:
c'est la vie! (is that right?)

Help a little old lady accross the road and you might find Karma will help you get a better bike??
c'est la vie indeed.

And good idea Sarah, a bike like that probably wouldn't get stolen as readily.
I mourn for your lost freedom but cheer for your reduced proximity to Parisien drivers.
This matter is quite horrible! Those French are such scoundrels.

Oh an unrelated matter, we had a great night with your Alex at the greyhounds last night. All I can say is, he pulled out some pretty funky dance-moves to some very bad music (how long has he been a Nelly fan for?).
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