mercredi, avril 19, 2006

Une soeur, un mari et beaucoup de fromage

Having left me to suffer through a long cold winter on my own, it seems I have a lot of (literal) fair weather friends, with sofa space going rapidly at my place these days. No sooner had I waved Matt with a little lace trimmed hanky, than it was time to greet the next contingent: Camilla and Patrick, my sister and her husband.

More sight-seeing, more wine and cheese (helped by our friend the cheeseman) and duck confit, more blistered feet! Unfortunately the weather was a bit crap and the beers a bit expensive but we still managed to fit in lots of good stuff including two last crèpes and a beer in the bar/café on the cover of the guide book in the dying hours of their last day here!

Highlights for me included my first ever fondue- not just swiss, it turns out, but also a specialty of the Savoie region of France (which incidentally borders with Switzerland)! Yummy melted tasty cheese, duck deepfried at the table, a little grill to melt more cheese... I don't know if this is one of the reasons why French Women Don't Get Fat, Sarah?

Ah. French women enjoy their deep fried duck and their cheese too. They just avoid the bread roll, have soup for lunch beforehand take the stairs afterward!

I intend to be a foul weather friend and show up in October...
Ah ha! Soup and stairs, a sure fire winning combination against cheese!

Thank you dear foul weather friend!
Can't imagine how Duck and cheese taste together?!

Must get me a fondue happening so I can test this interesting hypothesis...
Not sure what the french fondues, are like but I found 1 cheap swiss one was enough for a lifetime, it was like mushy salt posioning. The duck however, Mmmm...
No no no, not duck and cheese together! Melted cheese in one pot with bits of bread to dip, boiling oil in another pot with bits of duck to dip! Separate fondues!

Mushy cheesy salty poisoning... bring it on!
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