mardi, janvier 17, 2006
Enfin, les photos
Finally, the photos from the holiday adventures! I'll start of with the ice hotel photos, because they are definitely the coolest! The accompanying rave about this amazing place can be found here.
Thanks Camilla for the camera cable which I got yesterday!
Alex outside the main entrance, at probably about 2 pm. Short days indeed. The doors are covered with reindeer hides, and the door handles are antlers.

Don't you think it looks just like something out of Narnia? Even the chandelier is ice!

Some examples of the more expensive suites, each decorated in a different style, all amazing!
This one is the snowball room, photo taken without a flash to show the cool lighting they put in too. And the bed at the bottom shows the scale of the snowballs. Huge!

A moon room with more mood lighting! The shady character is Alex...

My favourite room, a little house, and the bed is on the floor above- all out of ice!!

A few drinks before bedtime!

Alex decides to take a rest on a pew in the Ice church, consectrated each year by a local priest.

Not the most flattering photo of me the morning after (if you can even find me underneath all that blanket!), but you can see the bed set up. A very serious sleeping bag indeed...

Enjoy your drinks this friday; for those of you setting out to minus five!

Looking forward to our drinks tonight. pity we only get to be in there for half an hour, but I guess standing in a freezer ain't too good for the health.
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