vendredi, octobre 14, 2005

La vrai raison que j'ai choisi mon appartement

In case anyone was not aware, last week a Frechman took out la prix Nobel in Chemistry, félicitations Yves Chauvin!

Luckily the maison du Chimie is my neighbour! Seriously! I am number 34, they are number 28; and last night there was a gala on to celebrate! Unfortunately my invitation was lost in the mail, so I had to watch from outside...

For those of you interested in the chemistry...

"They explained and improved a process called metathesis, said the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in bestowing the prize. This swapping of atoms between molecules creates new substances, and the winners have turned it into one of the most important reactions in organic chemistry, the academy said. Organic chemistry deals with carbon compounds."

That's the scientific explanation, if anyone wants that simplified, just let me know...

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