mercredi, octobre 05, 2005

Je veux un lit!

I need somewhere to sleep! Looking for an apartment is très stressant!

So far I have looked at two, with another to come this afternoon, so I will concede that it is not that many, but I have phoned HEAPS and left HEAPS of messages and they never call back!

So far the first one was pretty good, but expensive considering it wasn't even furnished completely, but the location was really good, maybe I should have taken it, I don't know!!

The one last night was rubbish, there was another three people there, and we all spent about 2 minutes and then left without saying anything to the guy, and he was calling after us as we all ran down the stairs!

At least at the hostel I have lots of people to chat to, mostly in english, though quite a bit of both swedish and french has also been used! But now there are four big american guys in my room who snore and have smelly feet. Not ideal.

But it is really lovely here too, it is starting to get un peu froid, it is soon time for some lovely leather gloves I think! But I have put an imbargo on buying so much as a packet of tissues until I have somewhere to live, because it is going to be hard enough as it is to drag my massive bag up however many stairs I finally acquire.

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