lundi, août 15, 2005
Photo central
First some family fun...

Here is the gang, on a sunny Sydney day, on Mum and Dad's balcony. Going anti clockwise from dad (as usual, the one pouring the vodka), we have Alex, Annika, Johan, Mum, Simone, and I'm the one behind the camera!
Here is an oldish photo, taken at a soccer game (actually before the game, but who's counting), of, in order, lovely Alex, myself, Dad, Johan, Annika, and Mum.
Then some Stephen Roberts Foundation silliness

Most of the Stephen Roberts gang, at Gaby's 31st birthday celebrations...
We have from the back... Skinny Matt, Alex, Flit, Nick, me, Richard, Matt and Sarah
Flatmate Nicky's 27th birthday RED party, John, Flit, and Shari.
Sarah and Margs.
And finally some chemistry chaos
Emily and myself sparkling away, at a barbecue at Emily and Andrew's place in McMahon's Point.
Alex and Emily, less than respectable, after half price cocktails in Kuleto's.
Alex and Peter from Melbourne/Germany machoing it up in Bronte.