jeudi, janvier 17, 2008

Assez des vacances, j'en peux plus!

Finally, all these pesky holidays are over, so that one can relax a bit!

     So, a quick recap...

Waaaay back in 2007, we had a mussels and beer stop-over in Brussels with a bunch of friends, where Alex was able to replenish his illegal Redbull supply for the festive season. Basically a weekend of eating, mixed up with quite a lot of drinking.


Christmas was spent in the snowy wonderland that the mountains are this year, skiing with some friends, and generally ignoring Christmas altogether (hotdogs for Christmas lunch!), but still doing plenty of celebrating, just because! We were at a station called Alpe d'Huez, which was awesome! Between 80-something lifts, more runs that we actually had time to do in a week, and the longest black run in Europe(!), we were very happy ski-bunnies indeed.

Mandatory first-evening snow angels.

What I love most about skiing in the Northern Hemisphere- walk out the door, put your skis on, then ski!

Christmas day, pre-hotdog.

Me, I guess, obviously.

Awesome icicle waterfall!

Then a mad dash home for a new years visit from the Flitcrofts! A whirlwind tour of Paris, a well-lubricated and hat-bedecked new years eve, a bit of a catch-up on married life and SRF news from afar, and the train sailed off into the horizon. So this notches up TWO gold stars for Mr Flit (sorry, Julian) putting him in an exclusive two-membered club of two-time visitors, while Margaret has now earned her very first one! Yay!

Herr Flitcroft, where's your hat?

Sight-seeing with hang-overs on New Years Day!

A few days later, we went chasing after them for a much delayed weekend in London and Oxford, visiting Steve and Bec, drinking ale (I don't like it and I'm not going to try anymore), climbing domes, and flashing our Oyster cards like locals (good tip Margs!).

Giant spiders and St Pauls Cathedral.

Now we're not going anywhere for at least the next week or so.

Yay! What a brilliant trip! Been meaning to send you a thank you email for putting us up in your lovely little home, but I'll do it now...THANK YOU! we loved seeing you and quite frankly you are the best damn tour operators in Frenchland!. My trainer was very pleased with your many stairs!

Speaking of climbing domes, did you try out the whispering wall?
We did try out the whispering wall, with mixed results... It seems pretty sensitive to pitch, volume, position etc. SOmetimes it seemed to work really well, but most of the time not really at all. Not to worry, a few stairs climbed there too at least!

And it was fantastic having you guys here as well, I'm really glad you could make it. And I hope poor mr flit is over his double dose of jetlag by now!
Redbull is illegal in France??!
Apparently it is illegal, according to Alex, but I'm almost sure that I've seen it in shops. Who knows. He is convinced enough anyway, to drag a bunch of them across the border!
Further to our conversation on the weekend, Tsonga, a young and very talanted French tennis player got through to the Aust Open final last night, beating Nadal in three sets. He will probably play Federer. If you get the chance, it should be a good match to watch.
Hi...I've been trying to email you, on your gmail account. I am not getting a response and I don't know if you are actually getting them. Could you please email me on my work address? Hugs
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