vendredi, septembre 30, 2005
Mes pauvres pieds...
Well, first week almost over, and the first hundred or so blisters on the feet from walking walking walking around this city collected.

All the walking has not been helped by having to drag 36 kg of luggage with me to now two hostels, the second one being up FOUR flights of stairs! Luckily there was a muscled up American in my room to help with that one or I would have been in the merde, as they say. I thought myself lucky to get that much luggage on the plane, now I think the punishment was simply delayed a little.
My little mouth (okay, maybe not so little) has also been getting a few excercise sessions... as well as my ears, trying very hard, and not doing so badly, at trying to understand people quickly enough to be able to spit something relevant out (Relevancy is the key I have found, "passez-moi la confiture", while a good and correct sentence, is not a good response at the metro station window).
I have also learnt that if someone is handing you a sheet of instructions, it is not so very bad to nod a lot and say "oui, d'accord" regardless of what they say, or what you actually understand! So far this has not landed me any trouble...